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Tinnitus is commonly described as a ringing in the ears, but it also can sound like roaring, clicking, hissing, or buzzing. It may be soft or loud, high pitched or low pitched, and you might hear it in either one or both ears. It’s estimated that over 20 million Americans experience tinnitus, and unfortunately, many of these sufferers don’t realize that relief is possible.
Tinnitus (pronounced tin-NY-tus or TIN-utus) is not a disease. It is a symptom that something is wrong in either the ear, the auditory nerve that connects the inner ear to the brain, and/or the parts of the brain that process sound.
The cause of tinnitus is still relatively unknown. Some think that tinnitus is similar to chronic pain syndrome, in which the pain persists even after a wound or broken bone has healed. Tinnitus could be the result of the brain’s neural circuits trying to adapt to the loss of sensory hair cells by turning up the sensitivity to sound, explaining why some people with tinnitus are overly sensitive to loud noise.
Tinnitus does not have a cure yet, but there are treatments that help many people cope better with the condition. A combination of the solutions below may be recommended depending on the severity of your tinnitus and how your life is affected by it:
Everyone experiences tinnitus differently and proper evaluation is necessary for effective treatment. At Hearing Science, we’re experienced in providing individualized solutions on a case-by-case basis. We’re happy to walk you through your options based on your unique experience of tinnitus and its effect on your life.
Contact us today to find the relief you’ve been waiting for.